August 2017 — Empowership Membership — Empowership

August 2017

Small Groups -The Importance of De-Stressing on the Job

Below is the recording from our small group session on the topic of - The Importance of De-Stressing on the Job and How to Do it. On this call we dove into the meaning of de-stressing, why it's important, and ways to do it at work.

The Importance of De-Stressing

Pop-Up: Self-Care & Mindfulness

Pop-Up: Self-Care & Mindfulness

On this Pop-Up call, licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Jennifer Herdman, taught us about self care and the challenges women have to making the love and care of their own body a priority. She gave some great tips about how to incorporate mindfulness in our daily lives in an effort to make self care easy and manageable.