Pop-Up: Navigating Hot Buttons

Pop-Up: Navigating Hot Buttons

On this Pop-Up call, Navigating Hot Buttons for SuccessMarcia Haber and Rebecca Olejar, co-facilitators and experts in using the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), led us in this discussion designed to give you the basics to help recognize what triggers your hottest hot button and how to calm and cool it down with a new positive approach.

Pop-Up: Creative Energy & Unlimited Ideas

Pop-Up: Creative Energy & Unlimited Ideas

On this Pop-Up call, we spoke with Fernando Del Rosario, Creative Director, Entrepreneur and Artist on Creative Energy and Unlimited Ideas.  

When we make the mind shift to believing that creative ideas never die, they only change form, we can tap into the unlimited creative potential of the universe, becoming a magnet for more bountiful creative ideas. 

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. -Maya Angelou

Pop-Up: Taking Back Your Holidays

Pop-Up: Taking Back Your Holidays

On this Pop-Up call we chatted with Yvonne Lacey, author of Taking Back Your Holidays, A Whimsical Guide to a Lighter, Brighter Christmas shares tips, tricks, and poignant and touching reminders to reclaim the true spirit of the season for less chore and more cheer.  

Pop-Up: Embracing Your Masculine & Feminine Power to Maximize Your Effectiveness

Pop-Up: Embracing Your Masculine & Feminine Power to Maximize Your Effectiveness

On this Pop-Up we chatted with Mary Jo Lorie about embracing your masculine and feminine power. Mary Jo helped us explore where you are currently with your relationships to the masculine and feminine energy. She shared ways to develop, and strengthen your accessibility to these energies, to maximize your overall professional effectiveness. Plus she helped us to de-bunk some of the myths and mis-information on how BOTH of these energies are vital to the workplace.

Pop-Up: The Art & Science of Peak Performance - The Latest Insights to Improve Your Focus, Energy, Productivity, and Results

Pop-Up: The Art & Science of Peak Performance - The Latest Insights to Improve Your Focus, Energy, Productivity, and Results

On this Pop-Up call we chatted with Dan Nance, top Executive and Leadership Coach (and an ex-IPG Agency CEO) as he shared insights, tools, and best practices regarding The Art & Science of Peak Performance and the strategies top performers are using to thrive in this new world. 

Pop-Up: How The Stories You Are Telling Yourself Shape Your Career

Pop-Up: How The Stories You Are Telling Yourself Shape Your Career

On this Pop-Up call, Val Brown spoke with us on How The Stories You are Telling Yourself Shape Your Career. From the importance of our beliefs and prior experiences in creating our current story, to how stories are connected to our potential and possibility, to what's at stake if we don't start telling better stories.