Empowership Membership — Empowership

emotional intelligence

Cultivating and Benefitting from Male Allies: An Interview with Faisal Feroz

Faisal Feroz
Faisal Feroz is Senior Director of Partner Engineering, recognized for his commitment to supporting women in the workplace. In this interview, we’ll explore the transformative power of allyship—how individuals can uplift one another and create inclusive environments. While we’ll highlight how women can cultivate and benefit from male allies, it's essential to recognize that the principles of allyship extend beyond any single group. By embracing allyship, we can build equitable workplaces that empower everyone to grow.

We’ll delve into Faisal’s journey, discussing what inspired him to become an ally, the challenges he has faced, and the impact of his actions. Additionally, we’ll explore practical ways to cultivate allyship in our workplaces and foster a culture that values diversity and inclusion. Through these insights, we aim to empower everyone to embrace allyship and create environments that support and elevate all individuals.


Additional Resources
A Guide to Becoming a Better Ally”  by Rakshitha Arni Ravishankar - This guide emphasizes concrete steps employees can take to practice allyship, like speaking up, listening to marginalized voices, and committing to continuous learning. It outlines challenges allies may face and strategies to stay committed to allyship. (Article)

“The Will to Change” by Jennifer Brown - This podcast explores diversity and inclusion topics, including allyship in the workplace. It features interviews with leaders and professionals sharing their experiences and challenges in being allies.. (Podcast)

“How to Support a Friend Going Through Something Tough” by Tessa Alexander - Although not directly about the workplace, this TED talk emphasizes the importance of being present and supportive, a core part of being an effective ally in any setting. (TED Talk)

“The Wake Up: Closing the Gap Between Good Intentions and Real Change” by Michelle MiJung Kim - This book highlights the need for ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion, challenging readers to go beyond performative allyship and take impactful, sustained action. (Book)

Overcoming Patriarchy & Hierarchy: An Interview with Positive Psychology Play Coach Jeff Harry

Jeff Harry
Positive Psychology Play Coach

Jeff Harry shows individuals and companies how to tap into their true selves to feel their happiest and most fullfilled — by playing.

Jeff has worked with Google, Microsoft, Siemens, Southwest Airlines, Adobe, the NFL, Amazon, and Facebook, helping their staff to infuse more play into the day-to-day.

Jeff is an international speaker who has presented at conferences such as INBOUND, SXSW, SHRM National, and Australia’s Pausefest, showing audiences how major issues in the workplace can be solved through play.

Jeff was selected by Engagedly as one of the Top 100 HR Influencers for his organizational development work around addressing toxicity in the workplace.

​Jeff believes that we already have many of the answers we seek, and by simply unleashing our inner child, we can find our purpose and, in turn, help to create a better world. 

In this interview, Cecilia interviews Jeff for a fascinating conversation on patriarchy and how it shows up at work. The conversation covers:

✅ Overview of Patriarchy -- How it shows up and does damage in the workplace

✅ Countering Toxic Masculinity at Work - Plus, signs to be watchful of in yourself

✅ Incorporating Play as an Antidote and a Solution 


Additional Resources

“Women & Leadership: Breaking Through Barriers” by The Lead Women Podcast - Explores challenges women face in leadership and strategies to overcome them. (Podcast)

“Disruptors, Unconscious Bias and Gender Equity with Dr. Patti Fletcher” by Punk Rock HR Podcast - Discusses what it means to be a disruptive influence at work and how it can work to your advantage. (Podcast)

“The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - This classic TED Talk explores the importance of diverse narratives and challenging stereotypes. (TED Talk)

“The Power of Play at Work” by Greater Good Magazine - Discusses the benefits of play in fostering collaboration and innovation, potentially leading to more flexible hierarchies. (Article)

“Rediscover Your Play” by Jeff Harry - Jeff Harry shows individuals and companies how to tap into their true selves to feel their happiest and most fulfilled — all by playing. (Website)

Connect on Linked in with Jeff Harry

Communication Powerhouse: 4 Essential (& Less Talked About) Skills

Whether negotiating a promotion, leading a team, or navigating challenging conversations, you'll emerge from this session better equipped to communicate in the workplace.

In this call, Cecilia will delve into:

✅ 4 Essential Skills that Help Promote Effective Communication

✅ How Relationships, Time & Trust Play Into Communication

✅ The Equal Importance of How You Receive Others’ Communication


Additional Resources Coming Soon

"Thanks for the Feedback" by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen (2014) dives into the importance of feedback, and specifically, how to receive it effectively. The book highlights the challenges of receiving criticism, even when we want to improve.

"The Confidence Code for Women Leaders" by TED Talks Daily (March 2024): This podcast episode features social psychologist Claire Shipman discussing confidence and communication for women in leadership roles The Confidence Code for Women Leaders by TED Talks Daily.

"5 Powerful Strategies To Build Trust In The Workplace" by Forbes (April 2024): This article discusses how trust in the workplace leads to a positive and productive environment where employees feel valued and respected. This can be achieved by building authentic connections, actively listening to colleagues, and encouraging transparency from leadership.

"Communication Is at the Heart of Positive Employee Relationships" by MIT Sloan Management Review (June 2023): This articles talk about how effective communication is essential for building positive relationships with employees. Employers should communicate openly and honestly with staff throughout the hiring process, including providing clear expectations and offering feedback. Open communication is also important for maintaining a positive work environment.

Gratitude’s Powerful Impact on Your Work, Health and Well-Being

Deepti Gandhi, MD
Board Certified Family Medicine
Master Certified Physician Development Coach™

As a practicing physician for almost two decades, I have had the experience of working in a large managed care setting as well as in private practice. In the past, I too struggled with exhaustion, disillusionment, burnout and making time for self-care. I often felt over-extended at work and home. I constantly worried about my ability to be a present parent. It was ultimately my practice of gratitude journaling that led to much-needed inner work, self-awareness, and a transformation in my life.

As a physician treating patients, a human being, and curious observer of life, I am reminded daily that mindset is integral to health and well-being. My journey has inspired me to empower others in gaining clarity on their true purpose and developing the action steps needed to design a life aligned with it. I am very excited and honored to be of service to physicians, entrepreneurs and organizations seeking growth and development.


Additional Resources

Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Dr. Robert A. Emmons - Delve into the science-backed benefits of gratitude (Book)

The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan, This podcast specifically focuses on gratitude and its effects on everyday life (Podcast)

Want to be happy? Be grateful by David Steindl-Rast - Learn how gratitude leads to true happiness (TED Talk)

The Mental Health Benefits of Gratitude by Nicole McDermott - Highlights the research-backed benefits of practicing gratitude. (Article: Forbes)

The Neuroscience of Gratitude and Effects on the Brain by Madhuleena Roy Chowdhury - Explains how gratitude affects our brain and overall health. (Article: Positive Psychology)

How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain by Joshua Brown & Joel Wong - Discusses the psychological and neurological effects of gratitude practice. (Article: Greater Good Magazine)

Transforming the Voice of Your Inner Critic

Everyone has an inner critic. You get to decide how important of a role it plays in your life. During this call you'll learn to navigate the negative voice in your head in order to jump start your ability to better set boundaries, take risks, try new things, and share your needs and wants - all elements which are crucial to a fulfilling and successful career (and life).

During this call, Chelsea will cover:

✅ Spotting sneaky ways your inner critic rears its head into professional scenarios
✅ Shining the light on your inner guide and connecting deeper to it
✅ Tools to bridge the gap between your true intentions and the limitations/pressures imposed by self-doubt


Additional Resources

Mastering Your Inner Critic and 7 Other High Hurdles to Advancement by Susan Brady - This book offers first-hand advice for scaling the hurdles that prevent you from controlling that little voice. (Book)

Better Days: Taming Your Inner Critic by Neal Allen - In this book, Allen examines a critical aspect of the human psyche that often gets ignored - the superego. (Book)

To Defeat Your Inner Critic, Bring Your Inner Champion Out To Play by Sohee Jun - This article offers some tools to help you untangle yourself from the harsh ugliness that is the inner critic. (Article: Forbes)

Find Out Which Inner Critic Is Holding You Back And How To Subdue It by Shade Zahrai - This article introduces you to the five main critics and how to face each. (Article: Forbes)

How To Make Friends With Your Inner Critic by Lakeasha Sullivan - This article offers tips to quiet the harsh, judging inner voice. (Article: Washington Post)

Make Peace with Your Inner Critic with Tara Mohr - This podcast explains how to deal with self-doubt. (Podcast: Harvard Business Review)

Navigating Personal Hardships At Work (Yours and Those of Others)

This month’s call is with Christie Bishop, an Advertising & Marketing Executive, and host of the podcast, “What Nobody Tells Us.” Prior to starting her own Marketing Strategy consultancy firm in 2021, Christie spent nearly two decades in Executive roles leading North American and Global Strategic Planning teams both at agencies and in-house.

At home, Christie was (and continues to be) the primary caregiver for her husband, Bryan, through his ongoing treatment for brain cancer. During this call, we'll dive into how Christie's experiences have helped her support not only herself, but also her teams, colleagues and direct reports through personal hardships of their own. These tips are especially important, given they apply to personal situations that a lot of employees often hide from others.”

We'll cover:
What Personal Hardships are and the Impact They Can Have at WorkTools & Tips to Navigate Personal Hardship as:

✅ An Individual Employee (yourself)

✅ A Manager or Leader supporting a direct report or colleague

✅ A Colleague Supporting Another Colleague

Additional Resources

"How To Handle Personal Issues in the Workplace (Plus Tips)" (Indeed)

"What to Do When a Personal Crisis Is Hurting Your Professional Life" (Harvard Business Review)

”How to Keep Working During Personal Hardship” (Forbes)

Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant - This book discusses how to navigate personal hardships, including grief and loss, and find resilience and happiness.

The Tim Ferris Show (Podcast)


Public crisis and epidemic are words we're now seeing next to loneliness. Even prior to COVID-19, nearly half of U.S. adults reported experiencing loneliness. During this talk, Chelsea Szabo will explore loneliness with a fresh perspective.

You'll learn how to empower yourself to use loneliness as a springboard into a more connected and fulfilled life ... both in and out of the office. 


✅  The #1 thing most people don't realize is behind loneliness  
✅  The 3 crucial relationships you must invest in to fend off loneliness (everyone is currently in a relationship with these 3 things) 
✅  What fuels loneliness and how to stop feeding it 

Back Pocket Confidence

Confidence is a key component of workplace success. When we feel confident, we present, speak, and act in ways that are most effective and make an impact. 
During this session, Chelsea Szabo, co-founder of Empowership, provided a mental model for confidence and powerful tools and insights to navigate that model to bring more workplace success. 

Teaching Points:

✅ What Confidence Really Is
✅ The 3 Types of Confidence
✅ Tips to Boost All 3 Types of Confidence

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